Mecosta County Community Foundation

About Us

Giving Together to

Enhance Our Community

Mecosta County Community Foundation was established in February 1991 as an affiliate of Fremont Area Community Foundation. The Mission of Mecosta County Community Foundation is “Giving together to enhance our community.”  We are home to over 90 endowment funds.  Our total asset base is $5.6 million and we are able to provide over $32,000 in grants annually through our community grant rounds. 


Quality of Life

We seek to address community needs for positive change across many areas. Art and culture, education, health, nature conservation and the environment, community development, historical resources and social services are just some of the areas we strive to make positive change.
Countless lives are made better each year because of the generosity of the Mecosta County community. Through competitive grant rounds, through funds designated for specific organizations and through scholarships to college-bound students, the Community Foundation provides the vehicle to help enhance the quality of life for all of us.